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wisdom tooth extraction


The best dental clinic for wisdom tooth extraction in hyderabad

the best dentist for wisdom tooth removal


What is Wisdom Tooth?

Wisdom teeth are also known as third molars. In Telugu the wisdom tooth is known as “Gnana Dantam”. They are usually the last teeth to erupt. When erupted without any interruption, they do not pose any problem. But when they are impacted and are causing problem to the adjacent teeth, they have to be extracted.

Tooth extraction is a simple and painless procedure. Pulling out tooth was the oldest method of dental surgery when there were no treatments available.

At Platina Dental Clinics we advise tooth extraction only when there is no chance of saving the tooth by known methods of treatment.

Extraction of milk teeth is common in kids when the teeth has become non-vital.

In adults Wisdom Tooth Removal is the most advised tooth extraction when it is infected or when there is pain as this tooth is not used for chewing.

Wisdom Tooth Extraction – Dr. Swetha U – Platina Dental
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Understanding Wisdom Teeth: A Comprehensive Guide


Wisdom teeth, also known as third molars, are the last set of molars to emerge in the back of the mouth. They typically appear between the ages of 17 and 25, a period often associated with the onset of adulthood and maturity. However, the arrival of these teeth is not always smooth sailing and can bring about various challenges and discomforts, including wisdom tooth pain and complications that may necessitate wisdom tooth extraction.

What is Wisdom Tooth?

Wisdom teeth, scientifically termed third molars, are the last set of molars to erupt in the oral cavity. While most people develop four wisdom teeth, some may have fewer or even none at all. These teeth derive their name from the age at which they typically emerge, coinciding with the “age of wisdom,” although their arrival is not necessarily a sign of increased intellect.

Myths and Facts about Wisdom Tooth

Numerous myths surround the emergence and removal of wisdom teeth. One common misconception is that everyone needs to have their wisdom teeth removed. However, the necessity for wisdom tooth extraction varies from person to person and depends on factors such as alignment, space availability, and potential complications. Additionally, some believe that all wisdom tooth pain indicates the need for extraction, but this is not always the case. Consulting a dentist is crucial to determine the appropriate course of action.

Signs or Symptoms of Wisdom Tooth Eruption

The eruption of wisdom teeth can manifest in various signs and symptoms, indicating their impending arrival. These may include pain or discomfort in the back of the mouth, swollen or tender gums, difficulty opening the mouth fully, and crowding or shifting of existing teeth. Some individuals may experience no symptoms at all, making regular dental check-ups essential for early detection.

What are the Symptoms of Wisdom Tooth Pain?

  • Severe Pain in the molar back regions
  • Redness, Swelling and infection
  • Bad breath, bad taste
  • Jaw Pain and stiffness
  • Head ache
Different Angulations of Wisdom Tooth

Wisdom teeth can erupt at various angles, which may impact their alignment and potential complications. The four main angulations are vertical, horizontal, mesial (angled towards the front of the mouth), and distal (angled towards the back of the mouth). Vertical alignment is considered the most favorable, while horizontal and mesial impactions often require wisdom tooth extraction due to their potential to cause pain and dental issues.

When Should You Opt for Wisdom Teeth Removal?

The decision to undergo wisdom tooth removal depends on several factors, including the presence of symptoms such as wisdom tooth pain, the alignment of the teeth, and the likelihood of future complications. Dentists may recommend extraction if the wisdom teeth are impacted, causing crowding, infection, or damage to adjacent teeth. Additionally, individuals with insufficient space in their jaws may opt for proactive removal to prevent potential problems down the line.

When Should a Wisdom Tooth be Removed?

  • A Wisdom Tooth is not suggested for removal unless it is causing some problem.
  • In some cases, it may cause crowding to the other teeth.
  • Partially erupted wisdom tooth can cause infection in the gums
  • Food lodgment in the wisdom tooth or the adjacent tooth
  • People with small face profile are advised to go for removal of all wisdom tooth as they pose significant risk in later stages
  • Also the bone grows harder and it may lead to surgical extractions and heavy bleeding at a later stage
  • Consult with your dentist, they are in the best position to analyze the situation and recommend the best course of action.
Complications if Wisdom Tooth is Left Untreated

Leaving impacted wisdom teeth untreated can lead to various complications, including infection, cyst formation, gum disease, and damage to neighboring teeth. Infection around wisdom teeth, known as pericoronitis, can cause pain, swelling, and difficulty chewing or swallowing. In severe cases, untreated complications may require more extensive treatment, such as surgical intervention or orthodontic procedures to correct misalignment.

Treatment Options and Treatment Plan for Wisdom Tooth

The treatment plan for wisdom teeth depends on several factors, including the individual’s oral health, the position of the teeth, and the presence of symptoms. If the wisdom teeth are causing problems, extraction may be recommended. Before the procedure, the dentist will conduct a thorough examination, which may include X-rays to assess the position of the teeth and identify any potential complications. Based on the findings, the dentist will develop a treatment plan tailored to the patient’s needs, which may involve simple extraction or surgical removal for impacted teeth.

  • At Platina Dental, we practice the highest level of ethical dentistry and only suggest tooth extraction in the rarest of the rare cases. Some instances are below:
  • Over retained or milk teeth that haven’t shed
  • When the tooth cannot be saved with Root Canal
  • Impacted Wisdom Tooth causing pain
  • Wisdom tooth decay
  • Extra teeth or Super numery teeth
  • Extractions to make space for orthodontic treatments
  • Fractured tooth
  • Loose tooth without bone support
Side Effects of Wisdom Tooth Removal

While wisdom tooth removal is generally safe, it may be accompanied by certain side effects, including pain, swelling, bleeding, and bruising. Some individuals may experience temporary numbness or tingling in the lips, tongue, or cheeks, which typically resolves on its own within a few days or weeks. Rarely, complications such as infection, dry socket, or nerve damage may occur, necessitating prompt medical attention.

Cost of Wisdom Tooth Removal

The cost of wisdom tooth removal varies depending on factors such as the complexity of the extraction, the need for sedation or anesthesia, and geographical location. In general, simple wisdom tooth extractions are less expensive than surgical removal of impacted teeth. Additionally, factors such as dental insurance coverage and the choice of dental provider can influence the overall cost. It’s essential to discuss payment options and potential insurance coverage with your dentist before undergoing the procedure.

Post-operative Instructions to Follow After Wisdom Tooth Removal

Following wisdom tooth removal, it’s crucial to adhere to post-operative instructions provided by your dentist to promote healing and reduce the risk of complications. These instructions may include:

  • Taking prescribed medications as directed, including pain relievers and antibiotics.
  • Applying ice packs to reduce swelling and discomfort.
  • Eating soft foods and avoiding hot, spicy, or hard foods that may irritate the surgical site.
  • Avoiding vigorous rinsing or spitting, which can dislodge blood clots and delay healing.
  • Practicing proper oral hygiene by gently brushing and flossing around the surgical site, taking care to avoid direct contact with the extraction site.
  • Attending follow-up appointments with your dentist to monitor healing and address any concerns.

Wisdom Teeth extraction price at platina dental

  • If you are looking for a wisdom tooth extraction or removal of wisdom teeth, Platina Dental offers affordable and painless wisdom tooth removal procedure. The cost of wisdom tooth extraction ranges from INR 1500 to up to INR 15000. Discuss with our expert dentists and specialized oral surgeons to know the exact cost.

What is the Price of Tooth Extraction?

  • The cost of tooth extraction depends on a lot of factors, the position of the tooth, the impaction, requirement of anesthesia etc. Discuss with your dentist about these factors and the cost component before opting for tooth extraction.

In conclusion, wisdom teeth can be a source of discomfort and potential complications for many individuals. While not everyone requires wisdom tooth removal, it’s essential to monitor their eruption and seek professional advice if experiencing symptoms such as wisdom tooth pain or swelling. Early intervention can prevent future problems and promote optimal oral health. By understanding the signs, treatment options, and potential complications associated with wisdom teeth, individuals can make informed decisions about their dental care and overall well-being.

List of External Resources
  1. American Dental Association (ADA)
  2. Mayo Clinic
  3. National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research (NIDCR)
  4. WebMD
  5. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
  6. Dr. Swetha’s Dental Blog

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) on Wisdom Tooth

What is the cost of wisdom tooth Removal in Hyderabad?

The cost of a tooth extraction in Hyderabad varies a great deal depending on the type of surgery involved. Consult with the best oral surgeons at the best dental clinic in Hyderabad to know the exact price. Typically the price ranges from INR 1500 for loose tooth to INR 8000 for surgical extraction.

Is wisdom tooth Removal painful?

Tooth extraction is a very simple and painless procedure. Even kids get it done with no issues. Use of Laser for surgical extractions makes the process less painful and promotes healing time. Consult our expert dental surgeons to know more.

What is the recovery time after wisdom tooth Removal?

For simple tooth extraction of milk teeth or loose teeth 2-5 days is sufficient. For surgical extractions at least 7 days is required to heal completely.

What Precautions should be followed after wisdom tooth Removal?
External Resources
Wisdom Teeth Extraction gallery


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